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Undergraduate programs

Study at the best private university in the south of Tamaulipas

International, human and general studies in the vanguard education where you will have customized attention by highly exprience professors. Competency-based and semi-flexible educational model, in addition to exchange programs and academic mobility

Which aims to boost you and help you become the professional capable of facing the challenges of today's wold

Discover what it means to be a professional with the Anáhuac educational model's education

Become a professional prepared in our different training principles, seeking your harmonious development in these different facets: intellectual, professional, human, spiritual and social.
  • Personalized attention
  • Latest international professional traning
  • Humane training and general studies
  • Highly experienced professors
  • Competency-based education
  • Semi-flexible model
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Exchange programs and mobility

Discover your program of interest

Administración y dirección de empresas
Business Management
Ingeniería química
Chemical Engineering
Finanzas y contaduría pública
Finance and Public Accounting
Foreign Languages
Diseño gráfico
Graphic Design
Ingeniería Industrial
Industrial Engineering
Negocios internacionales
International Business
Ingeniería mecatrónica
Mechatronics Engineering
Médico Cirujano
Medicine and Surgery
Ingeniería en sistemas y negocios digitales
Software and Digital Business Engineering
Mercadotecnia estratégica
Strategic Marketing
Ciencias teológicas
The Anáhuac module wants you to get to know and discover yourself, as well as to recognize human nature and vocation

Anáhuac education

Identify as IEST Anáhuac student

Enjoy the discounts you have with your student ID card

Learn more about the discounts you have when you present your student ID card at many business, agreements in Tampico, Madero and Altamira.

School accident insurance

Todos los alumnos cuentan con esta prestación, que en lo general les cubre cualquier acontecimiento proveniente de una causa externa, súbita, fortuita y violenta.

Guaranteed education plan

Garantizar el pago de las colegiaturas futuras de los alumnos de licenciatura en el instituto, en caso de fallecimiento de la persona responsable que solventa el pago de las mismas.

Scholarships and student loans

Conoce nuestros planes de becas y créditos.

Safe return protocol

Conoce nuestros planes de becas y créditos.
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Would you like personalized advice?

Schedule a video call with one of our advisors to start your admission process or answer any questions you may have
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