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Social Service is a contributing labor to the community’s development. It requires a sense of responsibility, dedication and professionalism; as it grows inside the student a will for participation and ethics.

According to the Secretary of Education, the social service has for goal:

I.- The development of the participant’s sense of solidarity and commitment to the society he or she belongs to.

II.- To transform this service into a true act of reciprocity between the participant and his or her society through different plans and programs of the private sector.

The Professions Law states this as a requirement for the degree’s obtention in any institution of undergraduate studies, whether this being public or private.

Remember, your Social Service is mandatory for you to be able to graduate.


Social Service Enrollment

Before starting your Social Service, it is mandatory to:

1.- Have at least 70% of your academic studies completed.

2.- Assist to the information meeting, a must!

3.- Choose the institution in which the service will be carried out.

Click here to consult the available institutions catalog for your Social Service.

4.- Pay at the cashier the only fee for rights of Social Service ($845.00***).

5.- Hand out the following documents in the Social Service Office.

- Sign up form.

- Commitment Letter.

- Payment receipt.

- 6 photos 2.5x3cm in black and white (No snapshots allowed).

- Initiation Letter. Must be delivered in paper with the official letterhead, duly signed and sealed by the institution. The complete list of documents must be reviewed by the Social Service Office before being handed out.

6.- Comply with your 480 hours of Social Service in a term no minor to 6 months and no major to 2 years.

7.- Attend and/or support the social activity proposed by Anahuac University of Cancun.

At the end of your Social Service, you must present in the coordination before mentioned the following documents to obtain your liberation letter:

  • Letter of termination. This must be printed with the official letterhead, signature and seal of the organization.
  • Final report.

All documents must be reviewed by the Social Service Office before being presented.

Official Regulations

Said Service can be cancelled if the student…

1.- Fails to comply with the obligations accepted in the project.

2.- Fails to comply with the rules shown in the Social Service Rulebook.

3.- Receives two or more warnings for the delivery of documents out of the stablished deadlines.

4.- Presents any forged or modified document.

5.- Fails to comply with any of the rules of the General Rulebook for undergraduate students of the University.

More information

  1. Regina Otero Nava

Social Service Department Coordinator
