Introduction to Entrepreneurship
The mission of our “Emprende Anáhuac México” entrepreneurship program is to generate an entrepreneurial culture and mindset within the Anahuac community.
Within the program, one of the formative mainstays is the Business Incubator. It implements the Lean Startup methodology through sessions with entrepreneurs in residence and mentors, allowing students to experience entrepreneurship by professionalizing their business ideas, according to the stage in which they are at that moment.
Our Campus
North Campus
Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Norte has 220,000 m2 with a modern architectural design, large green areas, and buildings with large and functional spaces. The entire campus has direct wireless internet access. Practically, from any corner of the University, our students and professors benefit from an immediate high-speed connection that allows them to have access to the Internet and academic services such as grades and selection of courses via the web, among others.