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 Our north and south campuses hosted over 50 institutions from all over the world, and with whom we have built stronger relationships.


With the attendance of over 50 institutions worldwide, and the participation of diplomatic missions of Argentina, Spain, France, and Italy in Mexico. The Internationalization Directorate at the Universidad Anahuac Mexico held the 4th Anahuac Academic Exchange Fair at both the north and south campuses.

According to Patricia Eugenia Ruiz Ortega, Director of the Internationalization area, “this is a relevant and strategic event to continue building strong relationships with our partners, and to promote the great diversity of opportunities among the University Community, ranging from the well-known semester academic exchanges at undergraduate level, to mobility for teachers and administrative staff through short stays in universities abroad, postgraduate programs (specializations, masters, doctorate programs), double degrees, online courses, summer school, just to mention some. All of this is a contribution to the commitment of educating youth people with international leadership, ready to face the great challenges of our time”. 

The universities that were part of this fair were: Boston University, B.H.M.S Business & Hotel Management School, CETT-UB Campus de Turismo, Hotelería y Gastronomía Universidad de Barcelona, EADA Business School Barcelona, Edge Hill University, English Language Centre, University of Victoria, EU Business School, FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Gannon University, Highbury College, International University in Geneva, JiLin HuaQiao University of Foreign Languages, Le Cordon Bleu, Lorenzo de' Medici, Macquarie University, Massey University, Monash University, New York Film Academy, Swinburne University of Technology, The University of New Mexico, The University of Sydney, University of British Columbia, Universidad Católica de Murcia, Universidad Europea del Atlantico, Universidad Nebrija, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università Europea di Roma, University of the Arts London, University of Westminster, and Vancouver Animation School. 

Knowing that the effort to develop the global competency and ethical commitment for the society in general is in our hands, where borders become invisible and the variety of cultures are the symbol of richness and learning, this 4th Anahuac Academic Exchange Fair have become and exchange of opportunities beyond our borders.
