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Gisel Magallanes -from the Economic-Financial Directorate of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina- joined us from November 4 to 15, as part of the administrative mobility project promoted by our Institution.

She was hosted by the Faculty of Education, Academic Services, the Academic Development and Management (DDGA), and the Internationalization Directorate.

Gisel was interested in a mobility opportunity in Mexico. When she was informed about the different universities options, what the Anahuac had to offer caught her attention. In this regard, she said:
“What got my attention the most was the DDGA due to its similarities with its equivalent at the university I was working for, as well as the technological innovation they are implementing”.  

At the end of her stay, she said that the experience was truly rewarding, as the administrative staff was always open to share their processes while she shared her good practices and knowledge and exchanged her impressions on the administrative processes made in Argentina. 

Lastly, she revealed that the people she worked with expressed their interest in having the opportunity to have this type of experience. She made emphasis in the need to promote collaboration agreements for students, academics, and administrative staff in order to strengthen the ties between Mexico and Argentina and to have international experiences. 
