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Cipriano Angel Sanchez Garcia, L.C., PhD, President of Anahuac University in Mexico City, and Jose Vicente Saz Perez, PhD, President of the University of Alcala, in Spain, signed a framework partnership agreement. 

In order to strengthen academic and institutional relations, the Presidents signed an agreement that seeks to encourage projects such as double academic degrees, research, and other special projects in benefit of the relevant university communities.

Thanks to this agreement, our School of Education --through the Master in Management of Education Centers-- and the University Institute of Research in Latin American Studies of the University of Alcala --through the International Master in University Management-- achieved an agreement for a double degree in their graduate programs.

In the interest of generating synergies between both universities, and taking advantage of the modality of their programs, we seized the opportunity to offer a double degree that will benefit the students of the Master in Management of Education Centers. Upon completion of the ordinary program, they will have the benefit of having studied three of their courses at the University of Alcala in a virtual modality. Thus, in addition to the academic benefits, their curricula will include the internationalization aspect.

Internationalization efforts of Higher Education Institutions are aimed at providing professional and academic development for students, as well as promoting knowledge development in a complex society that requires the generation of synergies to properly respond to the challenges arising in our environments.

The signing of this agreement will also benefit their university communities and their social environments, since they will have postgraduates with an academic and professional profile that will let them generate social impact.


