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Dr. Cipriano Sánchez, L.C., Rector of the Universidad Anahuac Mexico, joined the activities of the 4th Mexico-Japan Rectors’ Summit. This event brought together 23 rectors of Japanese universities and 38 of Mexican universities, both public and private. 

During his intervention in the round table “Society 5.0”, our Rector shared his ideas and points of view with the rectors of other universities, both Mexican and Japanese.

“The great value of Society 5.0 does not rely on the instruments we have available, but on the people interacting with them. It is a matter of joining to the construction of a society that vindicates the person as the center of the Universe in face of the overdoes of technology”, our Rector said.

During the two days of the summit, the Anahuac strengthened ties ties in terms of academic cooperation with Japanese universities with the utmost recognition, such as: Nanzan University, Waseda University, University of Hiroshima, among others.

It must be said that the opening session was held at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and was attended by Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, BS, the Foreign Affairs Secretary; Juan Pablo Arroyo, PhD, Deputy Secretary of Higher Secondary Education; Enrique Graue Wiechers, PhD, Rector of the hosting university.

During the closing ceremony, at El Colegio de México, the Joint Communiqué was read on behalf of the universities involved, and it was announces that the next summit will be held in Japan at the Sophia University.
The Mexico-Japan Rectors’ Summit is an event held since eigth years ago, alternating the venues among higher education institutions in both countries. Its aim is to strengthen the links among higher education institutions.
