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The Anahuac Cultural Center in the State of Mexico, located at the north campus of our University, was recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) as a result of its successful fundraising campaign. The jury of this renowned award considered it the best practice in this category among higher education institutions in Latin America. Besides, this campaign is already representing the region in the global competition for such awards, competing against the winners from the other regions worldwide.

Winning the 2020 CASE Platinum Awards: Latin America represents a recognition to the Anahuac University in Mexico City, and the entire University Community. They have generated the reputation and trust conditions among the society, allowing this dream to become a reality at the service of the fine arts and culture in Mexico.

This international award is an acknowledgment to the execution and success of the fundraising campaign, which reached the target of MXN$400 million. These funds were carefully invested to build and equip what is already considered one of the best theaters and scene venues within a university campus worldwide. It was designed to have the optimal technical and acoustic conditions for symphonic and philharmonic concerts, dance, ballet, theater, and opera.

“There is no doubt that this award is a recognition to the Anahuac University in Mexico City as a whole, as well as to its Mission, and to the leadership of the three Presidents who promoted and continued with this project since its beginning until its inauguration. I’m talking about Fr. Raymond Cosgrave, LC; Fr. Jesus Quirce, LC; and Dr. Cipriano Sanchez, LC. They called the society to kindly support this campaign for a venue where Mexicans from all ages and social conditions will find the beauty and values of art” said our Director of Advancement, Dr. German Campos Valle, who was in charge of this project and currently is also Director of the Anahuac Cultural Center in the State of Mexico. 

He also said that this award is to acknowledge the work of the different areas in the Office of Advancement at the Anahuac University in Mexico City, such as fundraising, alumni relations, corporate and social relations, as well as institutional communications. They were all key in the success of such an ambitious fundraising campaign; a campaign that made it possible to have the trust and generosity of our benefactors, who brought to life such a magnificent and relevant project for the society and for the Anahuac. They have been our patrons, just as others were the patrons for arts and culture in the Renaissance.

The Platinum Awards were created by CASE to recognize the bost-of-the-bast programs and practices in educational advancement regionally and globally.

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is the global non-profit association dedicated to educational advancement all over the world. It is a membership-based organization that includes more than 3,600 colleges and universities, international schools, and nonprofit organizations in more than 82 countries around the globe. This makes CASE one of the largest nonprofit education associations in the world in terms of institutional membership.

The Anahuac University in Mexico City has been an active CASE member for over 30 years, and Dr. German Campos Valle is member of the Global Governance Steering Committee.

The Anahuac Cultural Center in the State of Mexico was inaugurated in November last year by the governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo Maza. It is considered one of the best places for the fine arts in a university worldwide. From the municipality of Huixquilucan, in the State of Mexico, it is a beacon of art and culture at the west of Greater Mexico City.
It includes the magnificent Angel y Tere Losada Theater, with certain features that make it the best theater at the west of Greater Mexico City, with a capacity for 1,300 visitors. It is also the place for the new facilities of the School of Arts at the Anahuac. Because of its design, specialized didactic areas, and state-of-the-art equipment, this school has become one of the best in the Americas. These facilities have been dedicated to the memory of Yitzhak Rabin, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who represented the values of Universal Friendship of All Peoples, the motto and eternal aspiration for which we dedicated this university campus since its inauguration.

The Anahuac Cultural Center in the State of Mexico will Arms to the general public, considering it is part of its identity to be inclusive and sustainable to let people from all social levels have access to the cultural events it offers.

In only some months, it has been the venue, in the Valley of Mexico, of the renowned Symphonic Orchestra of the State of Mexico, conducted by the Maestro Rodrigo Macias. It has also hosted fantastic concerts of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the State of Mexico, conducted by the Maestra Gabriela Diaz Alatriste; the Polyphonic Chorus of the State of Mexico, conducted by the Maestro Manuel Flores Palacios; and the School Orchestra Carlos Chavez. It has also hosted international opera stars such as the Mexican tenor Javier Camarena or the mezzo-soprano Elina Garanca. Each of them offered keynotes, thanks to the support of the Beckmann Opera Studio and the pianist Daniela Liebman. 

It has also been the venue for the special ensemble to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the National Center of Arts (CENART), which played the entire oratorio Messiah by Handel, among other outstanding events.

At the Anahuac, we recognize and deeply acknowledge the generosity of those who embrace the call to make this venue for the fine arts and the culture possible, to become a reality. 

The recognition of CASE is also to each and every one of our benefactors for this project, among which there are men, women, families, alumni, and parents of the University, nonprofits, companies and institutions, highlighting the great effort of the society, with a strong social scope. The Government of the State of Mexico, and the Municipality of Huixquilucan also joined to this project, bringing a very special feature to this cultural center: the demonstration that the unity of all sectors can turn into unimaginable results.

Relevant details about the Anahuac Cultural Center of the State of Mexico:

  • 15,400 m2 of construction.
  • It is includes the Angel y Tere Losada Theater, with a capacity for 1,300 visitors, the Hall, dedicated to the memory of Ms. Carian Flores de Fernandez, as well as the new facilities of the School of Arts, of the Anahuac University in Mexico City, in the memory of Yitzhak Rabin.
  • It has a stage with 50 battens, bandshell, orchestra pit, fly system, dressing rooms, and other theater equipment. 
  • The architectural project is the work of Arch. Sara Topelson, and the Arch. Jose Grinberg.
  • The interior design of the Angel and Tere Losada Theater is the work of Arch. Gerardo Broissin and Arch. David Suarez.
  • The investment required for the construction and equipment was MXN$400 million, obtained through a Fundraising Campaign, which is now recognized at international level through the award that CASE is granting.
  • The construction company is Grupo Constructor de Xalapa.
  • Its design involved internationally renowned companies such as Jaffe Holden, from New York, and Chemtrol, from Spain. They provided characteristics in terms of acoustics, isoptics, and theater mechanics of international level.