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The 3rd Forum of Rectors Mexico-China “Education for the Future” was held at the Center for Innovation and Development Dr. Alfonso Rangel Guerra, of the National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES). The Universidad Anahuac Mexico was present in this forum.

As this is part of the internationalization activities of our University, it was our Director of Internationalization, Patricia Eugenia Ruiz Ortega, who attended this event on behalf of Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C., PhD, the Rector of our university.

The topics discussed during this event were: trends of higher education systems in Mexico and China; the new silk road: challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions in both countries; the role of universities in the fourth industrial revolution; internationalization of higher education, preparing the students for the future; cultural and linguistic cooperation.

The international ties with this country are relevant in the current international context due to the increasing role of China in the world and the dynamic relationship between Mexico and such country. 

Over 100 rectors and representatives of higher education institutions from both countries attended this event. Among the attendants, we can mention Luciano Concheiro, Deputy Secretary of Higher Education, on behalf of the Secretary of Public Education, Esteban Moctezuma; Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs; His Excellency Zhu Qingqiao, ambassador of the People’s Republic of China; Zheng Fuzhi, Vice-Minister of Education; and Li Chunsheng, Deputy Secretary General of the China Education Association for International Exchange.
