With inspiring messages from academics and experts, graduates were recognized as agents of change in promoting human dignity and defending the most vulnerable.
On January 21, 2025, the graduation ceremony of the seventh class of the Master in Global Bioethics was held, in an event full of emotions in which the relevance of bioethics in a globalized world was recognized and reflected upon.
María Inés Girault, addressed a few words of welcome in which she highlighted the effort, dedication and sacrifices made by the students to achieve this feat. She also acknowledged the diversity of the graduates, who come from countries such as Nigeria, India, the Philippines, Kenya, Ethiopia and others, who from various areas of work decided to focus on the study of global bioethics.
José Alberto Castilla, director of the School of Bioethics, congratulated the graduates and pointed out that this moment not only represents the culmination of years of effort, but also the beginning of a lifelong commitment to ethics and knowledge to face the bioethical challenges of the present and the future. He also thanked the students' families for their unconditional support, recognizing their essential role in this achievement.
It is worth noting that special guests included Dr. Martha Tarasco and Dr. Liliana Santos, who gave inspiring speeches. Dr. Tarasco, a pioneer in bioethics in Mexico and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, emphasized the need to promote bioethics in the graduates’ countries of origin, using this knowledge to serve others and defend human dignity in all contexts. She also emphasized that: “personalism is the only form of bioethical analysis that considers all people equally.”
For her part, Dr. Liliana Santos, a graduate of the program and now a doctor in bioethics, stressed that the master's degree not only provides a solid theoretical foundation, but also the tools to teach and inspire others. She also highlighted the importance of positive bioethics that inspires research and innovation, which is a vital source for recent graduates. Finally, she stressed the importance of graduates: “continuing to seek knowledge and strive for excellence in everything they do.”
Representing this class, Dr. Anne Margaux gave a speech celebrating the diversity and transformative impact of the program, emphasizing the importance of global bioethics in bridging gaps between countries and health policies by defending vulnerable people and promoting ethical resource management. With deep emotion, she said: “Through this program we have become catalysts for change” and that “global bioethics unifies by putting the human being at the center of the dialogue.”
The event concluded with the official naming of the graduates by Dr. María Inés Girault, who celebrated the effort and dedication of each of them, inviting them to apply their knowledge to contribute to the well-being of their communities and to the development of a more just and ethical society.
Learn more about this program at the following link:
More information:
Dra. Maria Ines Girault
Facultad de Bioética