Boletín  Escuala o Facultad

September 2024

Versión en español

Carlos Ramos reflects on sustainability and economy in the 21st century

Carlos Ramos reflects on sustainability and economy in the 21st century

On September 18, 2024, the monthly session of the interdisciplinary group Querida Amazonía entitled “Sustainability and economy in the 21st century: A dialogue between the SDGs and the vision of Pope Francis” was held, taught by Mtro. Carlos Ramos Cárdenas, director of the School of Social Responsibility, and moderated by Mtro. Jovani Fernández Puentes, academic at the School of Education and Humanities.

Acción en Innovación

The School of Bioethics welcomes Maroun Badr as an associate researcher 

The School of Bioethics welcomes Maroun Badr as an associate researcher

Originally from Lebanon and resident in France since 2014, Badr has an academic and professional career in the field of bioethics, theology and social sciences. His research focuses on sustainable development and family planning, always interested in the defense of nascent life, biolaw, natural law, the dignity of women and health, gender equality and sexuality education.

Dr. Claudia Lerma receives recognition as Level 3 National Researcher of the SNI 

Dr. Claudia Lerma receives recognition as Level 3 National Researcher of the SNI

The academic and scientific community celebrates the recent certificate of continuity granted to Dr. Claudia Lerma González as a Level 3 National Researcher of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt), an outstanding recognition that underlines their dedication, rigor and excellence in biomedical research.

Conahcyt recognizes Dr. Abel Lerma as Level I National Researcher

Conahcyt recognizes Dr. Abel Lerma as Level I National Researcher

Dr. Abel Lerma Talamantes, professor at the School of Bioethics of the Universidad Anáhuac México, received the certificate of continuity as National Level I Researcher of the National System of Researchers (SNI), awarded by the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt).


The School of Bioethics joins the commemoration of the International Day of Peace

The School of Bioethics joins the commemoration of the International Day of Peace

On September 18, 2024, the Universidad Anáhuac México held a day of reflection and activities to commemorate the International Day of Peace, in which members of the School of Bioethics participated. In the conference titled “Peace Processes: Where can we build paths for peaceful coexistence today?” fundamental topics were discussed such as the factors that promote and alter peace, as well as the pacification process in different contexts.

We celebrate the blessing of the new offices of the School of Bioethics

We celebrate the blessing of the new offices of the School of Bioethics

This meaningful event was guided by the REMA group, under the direction of Father Alfonso López, L.C., who began with a reflection on the importance of the event and later dedicated a special recognition to San Camilo, invoking his protection and guide for the work of the members of the School, in their mission to promote ethics in the field of health, being a symbolic act of commitment to the values that this saint represents.

School of Bioethics and the Friends of Carlo Casini Association join forces to promote bioethical thinking in Latin America

School of Bioethics and the Friends of Carlo Casini Association join forces to promote bioethical thinking in Latin America

The School of Bioethics of the Universidad Anáhuac México took an important step towards the expansion of bioethical reflection in Latin America when Dr. José Alberto Castilla, director of this School, and Marina Casini, representative of the Friends of Carlo Casini Association held a meeting that marked the beginning of a collaboration that promotes the thought of the prominent Italian jurist and politician.

Medicina y Ética Journal

Our subscription to the magazine is free and you can sign up through the following link: Subscribe here. 


The right to know the biological origins of the child conceived by AHRT: reflections from the situation of donor anonymity
Author: Niza Valdivia Gómez

The right to know the biological origins of the child conceived by AHRT: reflections from the situation of donor anonymity

This paper intends to lead to a bioethical reflection on the right of the child to know his/her genetic origins and the complications based on the anonymity of the donor in certain legislations. By virtue of this, it will be imperative to reflect on how anonymity intervenes in this right, does it imply protection? limitation? concealment? and how several controversies can originate nowadays as biotechnology advances. Will it be appropriate to propose a different nomenclature to the gamete donor? because of the social taboos that originate around the issue, several appreciations can be had. Beyond the medical issue itself. This essay is not focused on medical analysis, statistical expositions or psychological studies of donors or technical appraisals of HAART, but rather on exposing reflections on the subject that make a and profound study of it imperative, considering the issues involved and their repercussions.

From data interoperability to ‘moral interoperability’ in the global health data architecture: integrated use case of AI-driven computational ethical analysis with Bayesian-propensity score and cost-benefit analyses optimizing efficiency and equity in colorectal cancer
Authors: Dominique J Monlezun, Claudia Sotomayor, Maria Ines Girault, Alberto Garcia and Colleen Gallagher

The surging health and financial costs of diseases, disabilities, and disparities support the global acceleration of interests and investments in health AI for better, cheaper, faster, and fairer health solutions globally and locally. Yet there is no consensus on practically operationalizing responsible AI principles across diverse global sectors, states, and belief systems. This proof-of-concept study utilizes the global pluralistic ethical framework (the Personalist  Social Contract) to therefore provide the first known Bayesian augmented AI-driven Computational Ethical (AiCE) and policy analysis integrating clinical, cost effectiveness, and healthcare disparity analyses with nationally representative data to estimate the global cost of healthcare disparities in colonoscopy (CS) and the savings from AI-enabled CS to reduce them. It suggests that reversing racial disparities particularly for Hispanics and Asians may save American healthcare systems $17.61 billion annually, with AI-augmented CS potentially contributing savings of $625.40 million for Hispanics and $289.00 million for Asians in particular (with similar cost savings for vulnerable communities in middle and low-income countries also).

Next events

 Anahuac Congress of Research and Medical Leadership (CAILM) 

November 8 to 10, 2024, San Juan Pablo II Room, North Campus

VIII Research Colloquium, Winter 2024



Master in Global Bioethics M.S. online

Starting date: January 13th, 2025


Francisco de Vitoria
Finis Terrae

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School of Bioethics

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