Boletín  Escuala o Facultad

September 2023

Versión en español

Acción en Innovación

Pamela Marcone wins second place at the National Kinesiology Congress

Pamela Marcone wins second place at the National Kinesiology Congress

Academic Pamela Marcone Dapelo, a member of the student community of the Doctorate in Bioethics at the Anáhuac University, participated in the National Kinesiology Congress 2023, which took place in Santiago, Chile, from September 7 to 9 of this year.

Ludwig Frontier, a student form the Dominican Republic, receives his Master’s Degree in Global Bioethics

Ludwig Frontier, a student form the Dominican Republic, receives his Master’s Degree in Global Bioethics

Ludwig’s journey to this remarkable accomplishment has been one of dedication and perseverance. Graduating from our 3rd class, Ludwig's pursuit of higher education, his determination to overcome challenges and embrace opportunities.

Acción en Innovación

The School of Bioethics joins the campaign "A school supply, a life project"

The School of Bioethics joins the campaign ''A school supply, a life project''

This campaign seeks to strengthen competencies, skills and values in low-income boys and girls, providing them with tools and school kits to improve their living conditions through education. New notebooks were delivered to the Human Capital and ASUA offices, which will later be delivered to children to support them in their studies.

Acción en Innovación

The Querida Amazonia Group resumes activities with the session “Amoris Laetitia”

The Querida Amazonia Group resumes activities with the session “Amoris Laetitia”

Dr. Oscar Perdiz, philosopher and doctor of Theology, spoke if the importance of the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which refers to  the “Joy of love” as the center of life and history.

The 5th class of the Master in Global Bioethics had their closing ceremony

School of Bioethics participates in webinar of the Latin American Association of Palliative Care

"This program has provided us with a structured thought process for making correct decisions and navigating the so-called grey areas that have seeped into our society in the name of relativism, among other factors” Jude Selvaraj.

Medicina y Ética Journal

Our subscription to the magazine is free and you can sign up through the following link: Subscribe here. 


Education and social formation in an integral ecology with global bioethics.
Remembering the tenth anniversary of Francis
Author: Agustín Ortega Cabrera

Medical practice and allocation of human resources in health care settings in violent regions

Now that we are remembering the celebration of the tenth anniversary of Francis and his responsibility as pope, we have produced the article that includes our latest teaching and academic activity. My paper “Ethics and social thought since Francis”; related to a recent publication of which  I  am  co-author  and  as  an  associate  researcher,  linked to the university  research  project  “Querida  Amazonia”  (Anáhuac  University Mexico). In this intervention, I raised these issues and themes that are the beginning of said book (1). Preceded by the prologue by Michael F. Czerny, Cardinal and collaborator of the Pope. In this work, we deepen these themes, proposing keys or criteria to promote moral, social, solidarity and humanistic education and training. United to an integral ecology  and  global bioethics,  guided  by  the  teaching  and  testimony  of  Francis.

What makes us human. Biology, medicine, language, mind, ethics and religion
Author: José Enrique Gómez Álvarez

Lo que nos hace humanos. Biología, medicina, lenguaje, mente, ética y religion, is a book that essentially seeks to show a series of discoveries related to anthropology, without falling into another analysis of  philosophical anthropology, since the intention of  its authors has been to present the reader with a summary of scientific discoveries. First, it must be  recognized that the volume is an excellent book, considerably useful if  what you want is to be up to date on topics such as paleoanthropology, population genetics, genetics and “evolution”, a topic that is highlighted here typographically for highlighting the fact that this is a topic to which the book continually returns.

Next events

 12th International Conference of Ethics Education to reflect on educational training in ethics in integral ecology and sustainability 

June 19th, 2024. 9:00 hrs. Anahuac Mexico University, North Campus

Radio show



Starting Date: November 6th, 2023


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Finis Terrae

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