Boletín  Escuala o Facultad

february 2023

Versión en español

Acción en Humanismo

Monsignor Renzo Pegoraro imparts the Inaugural Lecture of the Faculty of Bioethics

Monsignor Renzo Pegoraro imparts the Inaugural Lecture of the Faculty of Bioethics

On January 25, the Inaugural Lecture of the Faculty of Bioethics entitled "The ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the care of life" was held by Professor Renzo Pegoraro, vice chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican, an event that was broadcast via Zoom and Facebook and was attended by more than 200 participants.

Acción en Innovación

Patricia Hernández, new president of the Board of Directors of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics

Patricia Hernández, new president of the Board of Directors of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics

On January 27, 2023, Martha Patricia Hernández Valdez, coordinator of the Master's in Bioethics Online, was elected as president of the Board of Directors of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics, State of Mexico, for the period 2023-2025.

Acción en Innovación

The group Querida Amazonía analyzes Peru: Between pain and hope

The group Querida Amazonía analyzes Peru: Between pain and hope

The interdisciplinary research and study study group Querida Amazonía resumed its activities with the extraordinary session entitled "Peru: Between pain and hope", performed virtually by Father Juan Roger Rodríguez, distinguished member of the group and rector of the University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Peru.

Medicina y Ética Journal 

Nuestra suscripción a la revista es gratuita y se realiza mediante el siguiente enlace: Suscríbete aquí

Medicine and Ethics recognized as a fundamental Bioethics journal

Medicine and Ethics recognized as a fundamental Bioethics journal

The Center for Research Ethics and Bioethics (CRB) published a list of journals that are potentially predatory, that is, that actively solicit manuscript authors for which they charge fees without providing editorial services, endorsements, and quality procedures (such as peer review) that are the main hallmarks of legitimate publications, or that the quality of their publications would be considered unacceptable for publication.


Transhumanism, techno-humanism and ethics
Author: Luca Benvenga (Universidad de Salento, Italia)

Transhumanismo, tecnohumanismo y ética

This article will describe and analyze, through a literature review, transhumanism,  a  complex  current  of  thought  whose  project  involves  the  fusion of the individual and the machine.
After a first brief analysis on the origins of transhumanism, the increasingly strong linkage of the anthropocentric and technocentric paradigms is investigated, to understand, through the figure of the cyborg, how the current progress of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) insinuate a high level of penetration into the human. The ethical issues raised by hybridization processes today  are analyzed. Special interest is also given to the exploration of the polarization between  conservatives and progressives, with  reference to their respective ways of interpreting the relationship between the subject and technology.

Next events

March 7th, 11:00 am.

Master Class: Una propuesta de fundamentación para la Bioética Global

March 25th, 10:00 am, Online 

Webinar: The importance of mental health in the medical student

Catálogo de publicaciones científicas en bioética




Doctorado en Bioética Aplicada
Master in Global Bioethics M.S. Online
Maestría en Bioética Presencial
Maestría en Bioética en Línea
Especialidad en Estudios de Bioética

More information

Facultad de Bioética
MPSS Ángela Pinilla Monroy

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