Boletín  Escuala o Facultad

December 2023

Versión en español

The School of Bioethics holds the VI Winter 2023 Research Colloquium

The School of Bioethics holds the VI Winter 2023 Research Colloquium

On December 4, 2023, the School of Bioethics of the Anahuac University Mexico organized the VI Winter 2023 Research Colloquium, a virtual event that featured the participation of various experts who created a space conducive to exchange of knowledge, encouraged dialogue and facilitated the resolution of doubts that arose during the presentations.

Acción en Innovación

The School of Bioethics wins first place in Nativity Contest

The School of Bioethics wins first place in Nativity Contest

The Nativity of the School of Bioethics was presented at the North Campus Simulation Center on Friday, December 8. To do this, the jury was invited to immerse themselves in the metaverse through the use of Oculus Quest glasses, creating a space for reflection within the world of virtual reality.

Acción en Innovación

The School of Bioethics celebrates the Christmas Season with art, culture and community

The School of Bioethics celebrates the Christmas Season with art, culture and community

In the festive spirit of the Christmas season, the School of Bioethics held an outing to strengthen community ties and celebrate together. On a day full of art and culture, the members enjoyed an enriching experience visiting the Soumaya Museum in Plaza Carso.

Patricia Hernández attends the IX International Congress of Redbioethics UNESCO 2023

Patricia Hernández attends the IX International Congress of Redbioethics UNESCO 2023

Patricia Hernández Valdez, coordinator of the online Master's Degree in Bioethics, contributed to Round Table on Research Ethics in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting that "beneficence towards vulnerable people must be an ethical Maximum in which all decisions.”

Medicina y Ética Journal

Our subscription to the magazine is free and you can sign up through the following link: Subscribe here. 


Transhumanism and global governance of human genome editing. Common themes and Implications for bioethics
Author: Lílian Santos

The status of the human embryo: an interdisciplinary (bioethical) analysis of reality

This article explores the implications for bioethics of  the  common themes between transhumanism and the global governance of human genome editing (HGE). First,  the reflexive thematic analysis (RTA) method was applied to a set of texts on transhumanism and a set of texts on the global governance of HGE. As a result of this application of RTA, three common themes emerged and their elements. After that, an  example  of  implication  for  bioethics  of  each  one  of  the  common  themes was developed. Each implication considers the current situation and a task for bioethics. Finally it is concluded that recognising the situation arising from the common themes and working on the three identified tasks is crucial for contemporary bioethics.

Guantanamo and other cases of enforced medical treatment. A biopolitical analysis
Author: Francisco José Ballesta

This work belongs to a collection of  small volumes on very specific and  current  ethical issues,  treated  in  a  detailed  and  profound  way. The  author  is  a  young researcher of Israeli origin who,  during  his training, has attended various research centers on ethics, politics, social sciences and bioethics in Israel, England, India, the United States and Australia. His activity as a teacher and researcher has focused on Italy where he has collaborated with our Faculty of Bioethics and other university centers.

The strange journey of thinking about killing yourself
Author: Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz 

The title of this review could recall the strange journey of the 1964 film with the same title, directed by Fernando Fernán Gómez, which narrates the “Crime of Mazarrón”, which should have been the title, but did not resist the censorship of Francoist Spain. of the time. Likewise, it could also recall the strange journey of Fangoria’s self-titled album released in 2006, a dozen pop songs with rock, glam and electronica influences with diverse themes. It is not the case. Strange journeys are frequent when addressing various topics of human life, since strange derives from the Latin extraneare, which is based on extraneous (from outside, alien). At first, this word referred to the perception of something strange, usually with surprise, admiration or strangeness.

Next events

 12th International Conference: Ethics Education, Sustainable Development and Integral Ecology 

June 19 - 21, 2024, Anahuac University North Campus

Call for papers 2024



Starting Date: May 27th, 2024


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Finis Terrae

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