August 2022
Versión en español




Samuel Weingerz assumes the presidency of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics, A.C.

On August 12, 2022, in the Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano Auditorium, the board of directors of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics, A.C., took place, an event in which Dr. Samuel Weingerz Mehl, professor of the Master's degree in Bioethics in Spanish and the doctorate in Applied Bioethics from our Faculty of Bioethics, assumed the presidency for the biennium 2022 - 2024.

School of Bioethics, present in the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics, A.C.

The board of directors of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics was changed for the 2022-2024 biennium, which on this occasion is made up of several students and graduates of the postgraduate programs of the School of Bioethics of our Anahuac Mexico University.


School of Bioethics present at the Opening Ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year

In the Ángel y Tere Losada Theater of the Mexiquense Anáhuac Cultural Center, the opening of the new course was held with a previous Eucharistic Celebration. As a special guest, we were accompanied by Ing. Carlos Fernández González, former student of our university, class of 1989, who is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Grupo Finaccess SAPI.



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Bioethics and integral ecology: the role of universities in caring for our common home

The main theme of this essay is, first of all, to describe how a university that is socially responsible is defined, what its characteristics are and how the ecology factor is an important and indispensable element so that it can be given that qualification. In a second part, it goes deeper into how the ecological factor must include the binomial "environmental ecology" and "social ecology", as described in the encyclical letter Laudato si', so that it is truly integral.


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