Boletín CADEBI

January - February 2024

Versión en español

Acción Anáhuac en Excelencia Académica

The National Bioethics Commission presents the book “CONBIOÉTICA Perspectives on its 30th Anniversary (1992 - 2022)”

CADEBI’s Team Attends CONBIOÉTICA Book Presentation

On February 23, 2024, the Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI) attended the presentation of three editorial works from the National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA) at the 45th International Book Fair of the Palacio de Minería, among them the commemorative book CONBIOÉTICA Perspectives on its 30th Anniversary (1992 – 2022).

The Ecuadorian Society of Bioethics analyzes the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical practice

David Cerdio participates in the monthly session of the Ecuadorian Society of Bioethics

Dr. David Cerdio (CADEBI coordinator) participated in the periodic session of the Ecuadorian Society of Bioethics, where he reflected on the benefits and influence that artificial intelligence (AI) currently has in medical practice, as well as the paradigmatic change that it is representing for the doctor-patient relationship, highlighting the importance of understanding that artificial intelligence is no longer a theoretical idea.

The BINCA Group (belonging to CADEBI) presented a conference to treat body image disorders from medicine and psychology

Addressing Body Image Disorders from Medicine and Psychology Perspectives

The Anáhuac Clinical Bioethics and Neuroethics Group organized a conference to treat body image disorders from the medical field. Doctors María del Mar Álvarez and Patricia Hernández spoke about the importance of interdisciplinary work to provide a comprehensive approach to patients.

Dr. Alberto Carrara, L.C., member of the CADEBI Advisory Council, reflects on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in education

CADEBI holds its semi-annual meeting with its advisory board

The Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum convened the #OsservatorioCulturalediBioetica meeting in which Father Alberto Carrara, LC, addressed the topic of Artificial Intelligence in the field of education. 

Acción en Innovación

Medical Interns from CADEBI Participate in Medical Brigade for Migrants

Medical Interns from CADEBI Participate in Medical Brigade for Migrants

In response to the current migration crisis, a medical brigade organized by CADENA, a non-profit humanitarian organization, and Start Network, provided medical, dental, and psychological care on January 25th, 27th, 29th, and 31st at CAFEMIN. This shelter and human rights organization welcomes migrant women, families, refugees, and/or asylum seekers for short, medium, and long stays.

Acción en Innovación

We invite you to be part of the Anáhuac Bioethics Network

Bioethics for Everyone presents the 11th episode of the Podcast: ''Humanity 2.0''

This linking network aims to keep information updated and accessible on those students, teachers, researchers and/or administrators who currently work in the field of Bioethics.

Register for the Newsletter of the National Bioethics Commission

The CONBIOÉTICA Newsletter is an informative bulletin from the National Bioethics Commission with events, activities, recommendations and useful content to reinforce knowledge about bioethics and related topics.

Acción Anáhuac en Tecnología

Humanity 2.0 explores with Dr. Alberto García Gómez the intersection between aesthetics, art and bioethics

Bioethics for all, in its 16th chapter of the Podcast: Humanity 2.0, invited the Doctor of Law, Alberto García Gómez, Dean of the Faculty of Bioethics of the Anteneo Pontificio Regina Apostulorum and Chairholder of the UNSECO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights based in Rome , to talk about the intersection that exists between aesthetics, art and bioethics, in addition to the crucial role it plays in recent medical advances.

Bioethics for all publishes the manual: To understand what is artificial intelligence?

In this manual, Dr. Lorena Malpica reflects on the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence, proposing a conceptual and contextual framework for understanding these new technologies.

Next Events

We invite you to participate in the 12th International Conference: Ethics Education, Sustainable Development and Integral Ecology

Bioethics for Everyone publishes the 14th chapter of the Podcast: Humanity 2.0

From June 19 to 21, 2024, at the University Mexico, North Campus, the 12th International Congress on Ethics Education will be held, where Academics, Researchers and Professors from 10 countries will contribute and reflect on the challenges that Ethical Education arises in the Latin American context.

Discover our Priority Projects in the Field of Bioethics

Clinical Bioethics

Bioethics for All

Interdiscipline and Infertility


Academia Nacional Mexicana de Bioética
11.	IIB
Instituto de Bioética JPII
Finnis Terrae
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Universidad Panamericana
Doctor as a Humanist

Medicine and Ethics Journal

Our subscription to the magazine is free and you can sign up through the following link: Subscribe here.

More Information

Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI)
David Cerdio Domínguez

Líderes de Acción Positiva
