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What is the difference between a postgraduate diploma and a course? We'll tell you everything

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre diplomado y curso? Te lo contamos todo

Continuous preparation is one of the pillars of professional growth, as it provides tools to awaken creativity and acquire knowledge and skills that will be applied to create new opportunities in the workplace.

Among the most common options is the selection of a course or postgraduate diploma, according to the objectives set by the professional who wishes to continue his or her training, as they tend to be more flexible for those who are interested in exploring new topics both in their area of ​​professionalization and in others in which they do not have extensive experience.

Gaining a deeper understanding of the difference between a postgraduate diploma and a course will only be the first step in exploring your academic options and deciding which ones best fit your professional development plan.

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What is a postgraduate diploma?

A postgraduate diploma is an academic offering provided by prestigious higher education institutions and universities, which is relatively shorter (between 80 and 120 hours) than an official postgraduate program . Unlike these, postgraduate diplomas do not require prior preparation or experience in a field of study, so they are usually aimed at the general public.

One difference between a postgraduate diploma and a course is that a diploma also does not have a graduation process similar to that of a master's or doctorate; thus, it becomes an effective option to learn more about a topic without having to present a final project that requires several months of preparation.


How long does a postgraduate diploma last?

The length of the topics covered in a program of this type varies depending on the institution offering it and the level of specialization sought; in some cases, it could extend beyond 120 hours, and in others it could have a minimum duration of 20. However, it is always advisable to know how long a diploma course lasts and consider that the time you will need to invest in it is between 2 and 10 months, depending on the modality in which it is taken and the schedules determined by the educational institution.

Difference between postgraduate diploma and course

One difference between the two is that courses tend to take less time than postgraduate diplomas; sometimes the latter are completed in a matter of hours in a single session, while a diploma is completed over several months. This difference could also be an advantage, as it can help you accumulate a greater amount of knowledge and gradually integrate it into your work area.

So, what is the difference between a postgraduate diploma and a course? Short courses do not have official validity before public institutions, and although they can provide an advantage when it comes to getting a job (demonstrating a high level of commitment, curiosity and continuous training), they do not have a curricular weight similar to that of a postgraduate diploma or a postgraduate program. Thus, we can see that among the most notable differences between a postgraduate diploma and a course are:

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The requirement

Studying a postgraduate diploma course requires a certain level of commitment and demand, although it does not require prior preparation, it is necessary to invest time in it, but this should not be more than a year. Thus, the commitment made by the student will lead him to study in person or online , either on weekends or on days designated by the institution that offers the course.

It is common for people who are considering pursuing a diploma to already have a bachelor's degree and to do so as part of their professional training; this has the potential to enrich the learning environment, thanks to the experiences of the students, regardless of how long they have been in a particular position.

The objectives

Another difference between a postgraduate diploma and a course is the student's main objective: What do they want to gain from it? For example, some people find it more attractive to study a short course that covers only one topic or lasts one session, while other students find it more motivating to delve deeper into a topic and, at the same time, receive a certificate that supports these studies.

Professional goals vary from person to person, so it is not advisable to assume that one option is better than another. Finally, a course or postgraduate diploma has the ability to awaken the curiosity of professionals and open their horizons to learn more and apply this knowledge in their work area, whether in the short, medium or long term. 

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Official validity

Another difference is the official validity; before studying a postgraduate diploma, you must verify that the institution where you will study is endorsed by government agencies, as this will give greater weight to your resume and guarantee that you will receive an official document when you finish your studies.


Should I study a course or diploma? 

As part of your professional development, the option you choose will help you accumulate theoretical and practical knowledge in your area of ​​interest, but it is always important to consider factors such as:

  • Your availability of time
  • The prestige of the institution that teaches them
  • The official validity of the course or diploma
  • The experience of teachers
  • Your short-, medium- and long-term goals


Advantages of a postgraduate diploma

  • In a postgraduate diploma course, the topics to be covered are usually diverse and the time to delve into them tends to be more extensive.
  • Students can gain a deeper understanding of certain topics and find ways to apply them to their future professional environment.
  • It allows you to learn from experienced teachers and learn more about the experiences of your fellow students.
  • It encourages the creation of support networks with professors and colleagues, as well as the exploration of topics that could be just the starting point to grow within a company or build a new professional path. 

It is not just about expanding knowledge and skills; it is also important to discover the challenges of the work environment from a new perspective.


Advantages of a course

  • Since they are short in duration, courses are usually used to reinforce the mastery of certain subjects (for example, the use of programs such as Excel or Photoshop) or to update professionals on innovations in these subjects. 
  • Continuing education is beneficial from any angle you look at it; on the one hand, it means acquiring skills, but it is also a way to learn creatively and discover new talents.
  • They awaken the motivation to continue strengthening preparation.
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It's time to choose the best option for you

Remember that both a postgraduate diploma and a course will enrich your professional development to the extent that you dedicate time and dedication to them; therefore, the choice you make should be based on your objectives, for which you could ask yourself questions such as: 

  • What are the topics I want to strengthen if I want to be promoted?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses at work?
  • What motivates me to learn?
  • How do I see my long-term professional future? 
  • How much time can I dedicate to my continuing education?


Are you ready to learn? Then this is the time to discover new interests and learn everything you need to continue being a professional who always stands out for his innovation, knowledge and motivation. Click here and discover all the Continuing Education offers that the Anáhuac University Network has created for you.

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